Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wanted: Generational Icon

It seems that every generation has a person who embodies the highest values, thoughts and ideals of its culture. Three generations ago, my grandparents’ generation, it’s was FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was more than a president. This man was the true embodiment of Americanism. He was strong in tough times. He was good to our friends and tough on our enemies. He united us at a very divided time. Then there was MLK, Martin Luther King, an international trademark for humanity. Not only did he voice the hopes and dreams of Blacks, but he represented the highest ideals of the world. He forced us to answer the question, “can we deliver on the promises of justice and equality.” His life and untimely death brought the world face to face with our need to fulfill our highest potential.

This past week we lost MJ, Michael Jackson, not only what some consider, the greatest performer of all time, but maybe the best icon for my generations highest values. Although couched in dance moves and passionate melodies, our generation’s highest values were etched in every aspect of Michael’s life. As a “Gen X’er”, I know that we have benefited from relative peace and harmony in the world. Not to be confused with the current generations “war on everybody”, my generation was one of peace and innovation. Ours was a generation dedicated to creativity and invention. My generation gave computers and rap music to the world. Michael was the embodiment of this creativity. When he performed, we waited to see him do the impossible. We stayed up late on Fridays to see the newest Michael Jackson video; because we knew something transformative was going to happen. All weekend we would watch Billy Jean, or Beat It or Thriller, only to practice our moves for the impromptu dance competition on Monday morning.

What Michael did for us went far beyond entertainment. His songs, videos, and performances were our statement of purpose. Michael Jackson spoke on my behalf to the world. Telling everyone that through passion and creativity we can heal the world.

FDR, MLK and MJ surrendered a potion of themselves to take on the highest character of their generations. Somebody, somewhere, in the not so distant future is counting on you to do exactly what you were designed to do. We need you to live passionately aware of the need for a generational icon.